Sunday, June 21, 2015

Reflective Post

Looking Back:

It has been a crazy six weeks packed with lots of valuable information and new skills to use during my teaching career and finishing school at FSW. One of the best tools I will use all the time is Delicious. Using Delicious to bookmark all the great websites and information found online in one place made it so easy to go back and refer to it at any time throughout the course. The most successful collaborative project was the lesson plan. My group members and I all did a wonderful job communicating in a timely manner and brought great ideas to the final lesson plan. I thought this was a great way to get experience on how it may be when planning for a real lesson plan involving my grade level team. I thought the Wiki page involving a team was a little more difficult. It was the first group project of the semester and due to the short timeline had to be finished quickly. I wish I would have had more time to communicate with my group working on a program I have never used before. On a positive note having the instructor monitor your progress and even your communication helped cleared up answers quicker and pushed teammates that were less active be known. The textbook was a great tool to use in learning all about technology in the classroom and the pros and cons of using it. Reflecting on the digital blog post gave me a chance to read the material and instead of doing a standard test or questionnaire about the material I was able to express what I learned in my own words and use great technology tools to enhance it! 

Moving Forward:

Although the course was intense and finishing all work on time and well took dedication and time I enjoyed all the learning I accomplished in just six weeks. I would recommend Professor Coleman and EME 2040 to anyone interested in Education as a major. The teacher web page I created at the end of the course will be used many times in the future for my resume and edited for my real class I hope to teach. I thought this was a great idea to incorporate for the students and parents as well. 

 Lyon, N. (2015, June 21). Untitled Infographic. Retrieved June 21, 2015, from  

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