Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Assessment in Teaching and Learning:
     Student assessment is very important to use as an educator and a student. Assessing a student's progress helps the teacher keep track of the students progression or lack thereof. As a teacher, we are evaluated every year by our administrators to see the progress we make as teachers. As every system, there are always flaws. For an example teachers that teach at a school were the majority of the student population is ELL or have no English speaking parents at home are at a disadvantage. These students could make little gains due to either or both circumstances. The student taking these tests that teacher progress is based off may not be good test takers. AlthougbI believes assessments are necessary for the educator and student it should not be the sole contributor to whether or a not a student should fail or pass a grade or what salary amount should be given to a teacher.

Technology in the classroom:
     Technology has so many advantages in the classroom, from assisting ELL, DD, and students with other labels with all the assistive technology available. Technology can also be used help keep track of student progress and assign different skills and challenges accordingly. These are great tools that make it easier on the educator and productive for the student so when they do use technology it is in an appropriate way every time. I love all the tools I have used already in this course and have discovered while researching in this course. There are awesome online tools that adapt to the students skill level while still making the activity fun and exciting. I plan to use many of these tools no matter what grade level I may teach and share the knowledge not only with my co-workers but parents as well.

Technology Being Available to Every Student:
    That statement is every teacher's dream come true! During this course we are finding and using so many great online tools that will help us as educators and for our future students, but the fact still remains that every student will not have the access to technology that we dream sometimes. Demographics has a huge impact on this. Some families can not afford technology at home and neither can the schools. The PTO is unable to make up for this as well sometimes. Grants of donations of older models of technology would be a great start. I hoping one day every student will have some sort of device at home and school!

Technology Quiz

1 comment:

  1. The ability to have technology for every student may be out of reach, but one can do so much with even one device per 2-3 students as there are also needs for collaborative/cooperative group work in teaching. We are also getting more creative in how we seek out devices (i.e., grants, Donors Choose, recycling, etc). Any way you look at it, we need to continue to work towards getting them into the hands of our students! :)
