Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Digital Citizenship
·   It is your responsibility to use the internet appropriately and effectively.
·  The digital world can be used in a fun way to express your thoughts and feelings as well as research and findings.
· You can share anything with anyone. Receiving your digital citizenship means you will share cautiously and responsible.
· Learn what sites and sources are credible as well as the information you are reading.
· Any information you use make sure you site your sources and correctly.
· Your citizenship will connect you to a larger society beyond what you will find in your hometown.
·BE SAFE BE SAFE BE SAFE. Like any tool you use there are always safe directions given in order to eliminate the possibility of being injured. This is the same for the internet if not used correctly consequences may follow.

Digital media and visual literacy
The internet is opening up doors for students and teachers. Teachers can now teach in a way that is appealing and dare we say fun. These visual tools not only appeal to the visual learner, but tools help the auditory learner and interactive technology for the kinesthetic learner. Teachers can not only explain a math problem but show exactly how it is set up with animation and interaction from the students. New technology is replacing lectures without any visual or the simple whiteboard and markers. Educators can save and share information, research, lesson plans, and learning tools faster and better than ever. Visual literacy promotes reading and analyzing visual images, creating and interpreting using existing materials, analyzing the creditability of the information and recreating using new materials, and using this literacy analytically and emotionally. These are important tools to learn in today’s generation and growing technology.

Electronic Note-taking
Electronic note-taking is one tool that changes the classroom and the students learning experience. Notes can be accessed from any device eliminating the chances of losing or misplacing notes dramatically. Computer programs have many features on organizing notes and how to easily save them from any internet source. Electronic note taking cuts down the time of writing, filing and organizing and more time focusing on the valued information in the notes. These can now be shared with students and co-workers from any device as well. The original process of note taking has been replaced by a more efficient and effective way that can be shared from anywhere to anyone. 

 Lyon, N. (2015, May 21). Digital. Retrieved May 21, 2015, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin, Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

PowToon - Brings Awesomeness to your presentations. (n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2015, from  

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Powtoon - hope you enjoyed creating that presentation! Can you see yourself using it in your future classroom? I think it has good appeal for both teachers and students. Visual literacy is one of many literacies that needs to be developed for 21st Century skills - one that can be easily incorporated in a variety of ways...and as a amateur photographer, it is one I value. Nice job on this post - do keep working on writing in a reflective manner rather than summarizing information from the readings.
